
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Make Stuff and Love People (virtual training)

December 5, 2022 Registration has closed.

March 29, 2023    Registration has closed.

Thousands of “low-cost high touch” solutions can be made in five minutes or less to support students with disabilities in achieving educational success. This one-day workshop will discuss and demonstrate over 100 different solutions that can be made for reading, writing, communicating, sensory and self-regulation, and life skills and transition. Explore over 50 different tools, materials, and techniques for quick solution creations. 

You can register hereAttendance is limited to 50 people. Six OPI renewal units will be provided for this training.

Therese Willkomm, PhD, ATP, is currently the director of the New Hampshire statewide assistive technology program with the Institute on Disability and a clinical associate professor at the University of New Hampshire. She has been engaged in providing and managing assistive technology services for over 28 years in the areas of home, school, and worksite modifications for persons with disabilities. She is known nationally and internationally as “The MacGyver of Assistive Technology.” She has invented over 600 different Assistive Technology solutions including 50 different iPad solutions.