The following trainings are available:
An Introduction to Autism Characteristics and Simple Strategies from OCALI.
This introductory module presents information about unique characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including social-communication, restricted interests and patterns of behavior, sensory, cognition and information processing, and emotional regulation. Five simple strategies are introduced that may be used anytime, anywhere with young children, students, and adults with ASD. (Note this course is a pre-requisite to take the longer courses.)
Learning Objectives:
- Provide an understanding of the spectrum of skills that characterize autism spectrum disorder, or ASD.
- Dispel common misconceptions about ASD.
- Provide simple strategies that may be helpful for individuals with ASD.
Estimated Time to Complete Module: 90 minutes
Foundations of Evidence-Based Strategies - Toddler and Preschool Age
Early childhood is an important time to help young children with ASD to develop critical language and learning skills. With video examples in homes and preschool classrooms, this course will introduce you to evidence-based strategies that can be used in natural environments during typical routines and activities of toddlers and preschoolers. This course takes approximately 10.5 hours to complete. Prerequisite: Many Faces of Autism Find more information here.
Foundations of Evidence-Based Strategies - School Age
During the elementary and middle school years, school-aged individuals with ASD are developing skills in many areas that will impact their futures. This course presents evidence-based strategies in action in home, school and community environments. This course takes approximately 10.5 hours to complete. Prerequisite: Many Faces of Autism Find more information here.
Foundations of Evidence-Based Strategies - Transition Age
Adolescents and young adults with ASD need many critical skills as they prepare for transitioning from high school into their own, unique adult lives. This course will show you how to use evidence-based strategies to support individuals who are transition-aged and young adults through video examples at home, school, work, and in the community. This course takes approximately 10.5 hours to complete. Prerequisite: Many Faces of Autism Find more information here.
You can find more information and register for the OCALI training here.
If you wish to receive OPI renewal units for completing the above trainings, you must register here. We will then tell you what information from OCALI training needs to be provided when you have completed a course to receive your OPI renewal units.