
Friday, March 1, 2019

Archived Webinar - Autism and Visual Supports: Powerful Strategies for School, Home, and the Community

Because most students with autism are visual learners, they benefit from the consistent use of customized visual supports. In this edWebinar, we will explore three categories of visual supports: Visual Instruction (adapting instruction so it is presented visually), Visual Organization (using visuals to organize activities and daily schedules), and Visual Expression (using visuals to facilitate expressive communication). We will examine how to effectively use visual supports in school, at home and in the community to optimize students’ participation in all aspects of their day. The presenters will:
  • Review visual supports that can be effectively used in the classroom<
  • Examine real-life applications of visual supports (photos and videos) for use in the community and at home
  • Demonstrate how to organize activities and transitions to promote students’ success
  • Discuss the benefits of using assistive technology

Real-life examples, tips, strategies, and resources will be shared during the presentation. This edWebinar will be of interest to preK-12 teachers, librarians, school leaders, paraprofessionals, therapists, and specialists. Time will be provided for a question and answer session.
View the archived webinar here (registration required.)