June 23-25, 2017
What you can expect from the More Than Words workshop
- 3 full days of practical, experiential training that gives you the skills to apply what you’ve learned the very next day
- An assessment protocol and goal-setting framework that helps you identify exactly where to start with each new child
- Research-based responsive interaction strategies that address the specific challenges associated with ASD
- A framework for meeting the needs of adult learners so you can effectively teach and coach parents to extend intervention into every part of the child’s day
- Certification to lead the evidence-based More Than Words® – The Hanen Program® for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- A set of comprehensive resources to use both in your More Than Words® programs, as well as in your one-to-one sessions with children and their families
- 2.20 CEUs or 22 professional development hours