
Monday, June 6, 2016

Paraeducator Supervision Academy (PSA) and Training of Paraeducator Academy (TOPA) - Billings June 29/30, 2016

This two-day training is divided into two sections, PSA and TOPA. 

Paraeducator Supervision Academy (PSA) a one-day training that enables educators and other school professionals to develop a core of communication, collaboration, problem solving, and supervisory skills needed to work with paraeducators. PSA focuses on research-based strategies for establishing and working relationships and assessing personal supervisory skills. It also includes approaches to building work and instructional plans, identifying training for paraeducators through needs assessment, and using feedback to improve the job performance of paraeducators. 

Individuals who have taken PSA can become trainers for paraeducators by taking the Trainers of Paraeducators Academy (TOPA) day of training to qualify as a CO-TOP Trainer. This training will provide participants with skills to deliver CO-TOP curriculum, consisting of 22 courses, to paraeducators in their districts. TOPA focuses on knowledge of the characteristics of effective and ineffective training sessions and the characteristics of adult learners. It provides guidelines and resources for planning the content of presentations for para-educators and for developing effective presentation methods.

Find more information here.