The OPI Montana Autism Education Project has a limited number of scholarships for Montana public school educators to attend online Social Thinking Trainings. These are recorded trainings and we therefore cannot offer OPI renewal units. ASHA CEUs are available from Social Thinking. Access to these trainings will be available through July 31st.
Trainings Offered: (descriptions can be found here)
What’s Alexithymia? and How Does It Affect Emotional Regulation and Awareness?
Implementing Social Thinking® School-wide: Bringing the Concepts into Classrooms & Beyond
5 Critical Life Skills for Tweens, Teens and Young Adults
Small Talk & Conversations: Strategies to Demystify Conversational Complexities
What’s a Friend, and Do I Really Need Friends? (Tips & Strategies to Make and Keep Friends, Unpack Social Dislikes & Manage Social Anxiety)
What’s It Mean to “Behave”? (Tips, Tools & Strategies for Teaching Students Self-Regulation)
Raising an Organized Child: Strategies to Promote Executive Functions
New!! - Strategies for Expanding Social Emotional Learning in Emerging Social Communicators
New!! - Understanding and Supporting the Social Emotional Learning needs of Challenged Social Communicators
New!! - Part 1: The Social World: Practical Vocabulary and Concepts for Teaching How It Works
New!! - Part 2: Strategies and Concepts for How to Navigate to Regulate in the Social World
New!! - Helping Students Gain Perspective on Their Emotions
Registration for these trainings has closed.