
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

FDA Authorizes Marketing of Diagnostic Aid for Autism Spectrum Disorder

The Cognoa ASD Diagnosis Aid is a software as a medical device that uses a machine learning algorithm to receive input from parents or caregivers, video analysts and health care providers to assist physicians evaluate a patient at risk of ASD. The device consists of three main components: a mobile app for caregivers and parents to answer questions about behavior problems and to upload videos of their child; a video analysis portal that allows manufacturer-trained and certified specialists to view and analyze uploaded videos of patients; and a health care provider portal that is intended for a health care provider to enter answers to pre-loaded questions about behavior problems, track the information provided by parents or caregivers and review a report of the results. After processing the information provided by parents, caregivers and healthcare providers, the ASD Diagnosis Aid reports a positive or negative diagnosis if there is sufficient information for its algorithm to make a diagnosis. If there is insufficient information to render a “Positive for ASD” or “Negative for ASD” result to help determine a diagnosis, the ASD Diagnosis Aid will report that no result can be generated.

The FDA assessed the safety and effectiveness of the Cognoa ASD Diagnosis Aid in a study of 425 patients aged 18 months through 5 years in 14 different clinical care sites, with an average age of 2.8 years. The study compared the assessments made by the device directly against the assessments made by a panel of clinical experts who used the current standard ASD diagnostic process. The device provided a “Positive for ASD” or “Negative for ASD” result to aid in making a diagnosis in 32% of patients. For those with a “Positive for ASD” or “Negative for ASD” result, the device results matched the panel’s conclusions for 81% of patients who tested positive for ASD by the device and 98% of patients who tested negative for ASD by the device. In addition, the device made an accurate ASD determination in 98.4% of patients with the condition and in 78.9% of patients without the condition.
