
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Have you wanted to Learn more about WebABLLS?

Now is the time, this is your opportunity!

When?  Wednesday August 29, 2018 - 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
Where?  Rosebud School (405 Main Street, Box 38, Rosebud, MT 59347)

Who? School teams (Teachers implementing ABLLS and associated paraprofessionals)

WebABLLS is the electronic version of the ABLLS-R with convenient features and functions available only in this web-based platform. WebABLLS is designed for use with learners on the autism spectrum, language delays, or other developmental disabilities. When implemented in conjunction with comprehensive programming, learners acquire the ability to learn from their everyday experiences while educators, parents, and professionals are empowered to share data and strategies that enhance collaboration across all learning environments (source: Behavior Analysts, Inc. 
This training opportunity will be led by Dr. Cheryl Young-Pelton who is a technical assistance provider for the Montana Autism Education Project and also lead faculty in the SPED/ABA graduate program she developed at Montana State University Billings.  She is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral, and Licensed as a Behavior Analyst in Montana. Dr. CYP has over 35 years of experience in this field – 23 years as a special educator, behavior specialist, and assistant principal; 13 years in higher education, Her research interests include rural special education, telehealth, emotional disturbance, and autism.
Participant objectives/outcomes for this training session will include:
  • Why a structured assessment/curriculum like the ABLLS-R is helpful in tracking a variety of skills for children with autism and related disabilities.
  • How a structured assessment/curriculum like the ABLLS-R can prevent ‘splinter skills’ from developing.
  • Benefits of using an online assessment/curriculum like the WebABLLS, compared to the original.
    • Video examples of over 200 skills
    • Multi-level sharing permissions and assessment notes
    • Custom report generation, program worksheets and progress reports

If interested contact:  Lori Raisler at Big Country Educational Co-op

Phone:  406-234-1957 Email: