
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Archived Webinars - Delivering Effective Paraeducator Support to Students with Disabilities: A Delicate Dance

The Paraeducator Series will offer three webinars designed to increase the knowledge and skills of paraeducators in supporting students with disabilities in diverse settings. Combined, the focus of the webinars is to prepare paraeducators to provide optimal support that assists student’s learning success while facilitating self-dependence. This series should be appealing to teachers who guide and supervise paraeducators routinely as well as district special education trainers in their design and delivery of professional development.
Part 1
This webinar session will identify the steps and strategies – based on best-practices research – on how the paraeducator support has to be carefully choreographed to be not too intrusive while improving the educational outcomes of students with disabilities. With the aid of classroom scenarios and student-specific vignettes involving both general education and special education settings, participants will learn how to achieve a balance between providing personalized support to maximize learning opportunities for students while encouraging the growth of independence. 

Part 2
This webinar session will address the essentials of a winning teacher-paraeducator team to support students with disabilities. Besides gaining greater clarity about teacher-paraeducator role differentiation, participants will learn steps and processes to achieve collaboration, communication and conflict resolution skills for learner success.

Part 3
With the aid of classroom scenarios and student-specific vignettes involving both general education and special education settings, this webinar session will illustrate how to use the Three Ps” approach guided by the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) model to eliminate or reduce problem behaviors. Participants will learn how to use Preventive Strategies (P1), provide Personalized Supports (P2) and deliver Positive Strokes (P3).  

View the archived webinars here at ABLENET.