
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Comprehensive Autism Planning System (CAPS)

This is a series of recorded seminars from the Virginia Commonwealth University Autism Center for Excellence. They do require some demographic information and an email address to register but they are good people and won't spam you. Case studies are also included to help educators understand how CAPS can be implemented for students with ASD. CAPS is a comprehensive, yet easy-to-use system that provides a framework to help educators implement an instructional program for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The CAPS model breaks the student's program into core components and helps educators determine when to target critical goals, including those related to communication and social skills; identify the structure, supports, and instructional strategies required; as well as delineate the data collection to be used to ensure students are progressing. The Comprehensive Autism Planning System (CAPS) Title Presenter(s) Details The Comprehensive Autism Planning System: What is it and How is it Used? Dawn Hendricks Selena Layden Details The Comprehensive Autism Planning System: Purpose and Overview Shawn Henry Details The Comprehensive Autism Planning System: The Essential Elements Amy Bixler Coffin Brenda Smith Myles Details The Comprehensive Autism Planning System: A Case Study Amy Bixler Coffin Brenda Smith Myles Details The Comprehensive Autism Planning System: A General Education Case Study Dawn Hendricks Selena Layden Noel Woolard


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